
Ho-Chunk Nation Office of General Council Announcement

For your District’s Volunteer Representative and Volunteer Alternate to be placed on the General Council 2020 (GC2020) District Planners.

Thus far, the following members have been selected for each District:

District One
Primary Representative Kelly Jo Funmaker
Primary Representative Melissa Olvera

Wausau Selection(s) still needed
District Two
Primary Representative Andrea (Pepper) Estebo
Alternate Representative George Greendeer
Primary Representative Clariss Funmaker
Alternate Representative Cindy (Lucinda) Lonetree

La Crosse Selection(s) still needed
District Three
Primary Representative Myrna Littlewolf
Primary Representative Madison Wilbur
Primary Representative Hazel Geurrero
Primary Representative Bonnie Smith
Primary Representative Melody WhiteEagle-Fintak

Madison Selection(s) still needed

After each District has selected and voted in their respective Volunteer Representative and Alternate. Please forward the names, denoting Volunteer Representative or Alternate; and contact information for each selected tribal member to by Tuesday March 31, 2020.

District Four
Primary Representative Ben Krause
Alternate Representative Anthony Veesenmuyer

Please note: This is a Voluntary status. Each Volunteer Representative may or may not be compensated, as it is dependent upon the budget, and each Volunteers’ completed tasks and participation.

The duties of the Representatives/Alternates are listed below:

  1. Any GC Planning Volunteer who misses 3 scheduled GC Planning meetings without good cause can or may be removed by a majority vote.
  2. Upon a resignation or removal of a Volunteer, a new Volunteer shall be selected from their respective District Alternates.
  3. Shall assist the Office of General Council staff with preparation, implementation, during and after the Annual General Council meeting.
  4. Ensure food and beverage is available to tribal members for the duration of the General Council meeting.
  5. Ensure meeting area stays respectably clean.
  6. Attend your respective area meetings, in order to report for tribal member’s requests for information regarding the General Council meeting.
  7. Acknowledge tribal members recommendations throughout the year.
  8. To make recommendations of the General Council, if the Planning Group deems necessary.

If you have questions, concerns or recommendations, please call or e-mail the Office of General Council staff at

Thank you for your time and attention; and the Office of General Council staff looks forward to continuing the preparation for the 2020 Annual General Council meeting with the GC2020 Planning Volunteer Representatives.