
Gov. Evers visits D1CC vaccination clinic

Gov. Tony Evers and Lt. Gov. Mandela Barnes visited the Ho-Chunk Nation District 1 Community Center on Thursday, March 25.

Evers and Barnes toured the facility to witness the immunization clinic take place, where many people came to get their COVID – 19 vaccines.

Following the tour, a press conference was held in the small gym. President Marlon WhiteEagle, Health Department Executive Director Kiana Beaudin, Department of Health Services Karen Timberlake, Gov. Evers, and Lt. Gov. Barnes, made statements to the press about the great strides the Ho-Chunk Nation has made in offering vaccinations to the entire community.

Gov. Evers said that he has never seen an immunization clinic that provided the services in such an uplifting and happy manner.

After the press conference, Gov. Evers and Lt. Gov. Barnes met with healthcare professionals in a round-table discussion.

President WhiteEagle signs Child Abuse Prevention Month proclamation

At the March 15 Jackson County Board of Supervisors meeting, Ho-Chunk Nation President Marlon WhiteEagle signed a Proclamation designating April 2021 as Child Abuse Prevention Month.
His signature was among the signatures from Chairman Ray Ransom, Sheriff Duane Waldera, BRF Police Chief Jeremy Isensee, and Jackson County Department of Health and Human Services Director Christine Hovell.
The proclamation stated that the DHHS Children and Families Division received 385 reports of child abuse in 2020. It goes on to say that effective child abuse prevention programs succeed because of partnerships among non-profit agencies, schools, religious organizations, law enforcement agencies, and the business community.
“Now, therefore, be it resolved that the Jackson County Board of Supervisors urges all citizens, organizations, and businesses to be aware of the signs of child abuse and neglect, and to provide assistance when able, to help parents raise our community’s children in safe nurturing environments,” the proclamation stated.
“It is further resolved that the Jackson County Board of Supervisors proclaims that April 2021 will be recognized as Child Abuse Prevention Month,” it stated.