
MOSES Farmer Advancement Funds

Funds Available for BIPOC, Beginning, and Veteran Farmers! MOSES Farmer Advancement funds are awarded in amounts ranging from $250 to $2,000 for Black, Indigenous, people of color, beginning (farming 10 years or less), and veteran farmers. The deadline to apply for funding is May 31, 2022. Awards will be announced on June 15, 2022. Another round of funding will be available on September 1, 2022. If you have questions, please contact Sarah Woutat, MOSES Farmer Advancement Program Coordinator:

Moses Organic

Administrative Order March 14, 2021

WHEREAS, the General Council delegated authority to the executive branch to enforce the laws and administer funds pursuant to the CONSTITUTION OF THE Ho-CHUNK NATION (CONSTITUTION), Art. IV, § 2; and

WHEREAS, the General Council delegates executive authority to the President of the Ho­ Chunk Nation pursuant to the CONSTITUTION, Art. VI, § I (a); and

WHEREAS, the CONSTITUTION indicates that the President shall of the power to execute and administer the laws of the Ho-Chunk Nation pursuant to the CONSTITUTION, Art. VI, § 2(a); and

WHEREAS, the President holds the power to administer all Departments, boards, and committees created by the Legislature pursuant to the CONSTITUTION, Art VI,§ 2(d); and

WHEREAS, the President routinely enters administrative or executive orders pertaining to the administration of the executive branch.

NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the President, by the authority vested by the CONSTITUTION and the laws of the Ho-Chunk Nation, enters the following administrative order effective upon the date of signature:

Public indoor gatherings in Ho-Chunk Nation properties is increased to no more than 100 people. Gatherings of more than 100 people are prohibited, unless required in response to an emergency. Enterprise and health care facilities shall be exempt from this limitation. This order shall replace any previous administrative orders regarding public gathering limitations to the extent they conflict with this current order. Mask requirements are still in place and must be worn in Ho-Chunk Nation facilities.

Marlon E. WhiteEagle


Ho-Chunk Nation President

Seeking Board of Director Applications – DNR

Please mail or email a Letter of Interest to:
Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Natural Resources
PO Box. 677
Black River Falls, WI 54616
Office: 715-284-2852 | Cell: 715-299-4672

All applications will be reviewed and all applicants will be notified upon selection of Board members. Selected candidates will be subject to Presidential review.

The Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Natural Resources is seeking candidates to fill Board of Directors vacancies. Per the HCC § 20 the Board of Directors will serve in an advisory capacity only, not as a policy making body. The Board will also be involved in and consulting on strategic planning, development of annual goals and objectives pursuant to the Appropriations and Budget Act.

Interested Parties can review the 1HCC20 Department of Natural Resources Establishment Act for more information related to Board of Director Meetings, Terms and Director Roles and responsibilities.