

Administrative Order
In re: Court Operations, Covid-19

Order No: Admin. 20-07

WHEREAS, the Ho-Chunk Nation General Council delegated judicial authority to the Ho-Chunk Nation Judiciary pursuant to the CONSTITUTION OF THE HO-CHUNK NATION, ART. VII, § 4; and,

WHEREAS, the General Council delegated legislative authority to the Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature pursuant to CONST., ART. V, § 1(a); and,

WHEREAS, the Legislature adopted the Ho-CHUNK NATION JUDICIARY ESTABLISHMENT AND ORGANIZATION ACT, pursuant to its constitutional authority as articulated in CONST., ART. V, § 2(a); and,

WHEREAS, “[t]he Judiciary shall have exclusive authority and responsibility to employ personnel and to establish written rules and procedures governing the. . . operation of the courts” pursuant to JUDIcIARY Aci, para. 1 .5c; and,

WHEREAS, the Legislature approved the job description of the Chief Judge pursuant to its constitutional authority as articulated in C0NST., ART. V, § 2(f); and,

23 WHEREAS, on March 12, 2020 the Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature declared a state o
24 emergency, imposing stringent restrictions on employment-related travel. HCN Leg. Res. 03-12
20A at 3-4. Additionally, the Ho-Chunk Nation President declared a state of emergency, als
suspending employment-related travel. HCN Admin. Order Mar. 13, 2020-1.
Admin. 20-07 Order Re: Court operations and process Page 1 of 4
WHEREAS, the Ho-Chunk Nation Supreme Court has issued In Re Emergency
2 Adoption of Temporary Amendment to the Ho-Chunk Nation Rules of Appellate and Civil
Procedure emergency orders (ATTACHED); and
5 WHEREAS, the Ho-Chunk Nation Supreme Court and the Ho-Chunk Nation Trial Courl
6 are monitoring the ongoing situation;
The following orders are emergency, temporary measures and shall remain in effeci
12 until further notice from the Court.
13 The Judiciary hereby informs the public that the Judiciary is remaining operational at thi
time; all matters on the docket through March 26, 2020 shall be heard; thereafter the court wil
consider the current conditions and recommendations of the Ho-Chunk Nation concernin
17 operations. In the event that rescheduling is appropriate, the Clerk of Court or Deputy Clerk o
18 Court will contact the parties.
19 During the week of March 16 and 26, 2020 and thereafter, the court will make ever
effort to address emergency cases: Emergency Removals of children, Elder Abuse action
22 seeking protective orders, domestic violence protective orders, and new Child Support cases ii
23 the Ho-Chunk Nation Court.
24 The Court will continue to operate by using telecommuting capacities.
Wa Ehi Hoci, the Judiciary’s offices are closed to non-essential personnel. This ban
shall include vendors and non-litigants;
Admin. 20-07 Order Re: Court operations and process Page 2 of 4
1 The Judiciary shall follow all Center for Disease Control (CDC) recommendations o
social distancing during hearings and other interactions at the Courthouse. The Judiciary reserve
the right to detennine whether a person is essential to a closed hearing. Courthouse bailiffs an
security personnel shall enforce such measures in an appropriate manner.
6 The Judiciary hereby sets forth the following temporary process for electronic filing,
effective March 18, 2020:
E-Filing Temporary Process During COVID-19 Pandemic
Effective March 18, 2020

  1. All court filings to be sent via e-mail to CourtFilings(aho-chunk.coin (see HCN Rules of
    11 Civil Procedure, 3(C) or HNRules ofAppellate Procedure, 7(b)(3).
    12 2. No filing fees will be required at this time (see HC’N Rules of Civil Procedure, 3(C) or
    13 HCN Rules ofAppellate Procedure, 7(b,(’3).
    14 3. Your e-mail should include the following:
    15 a. In the subject line please indicate case name, case number and document type.
    16 (Example: Smith v. Jones, CV 20-01, Respondent’s Brief)
    (Example: A.B.C., JV 20-01, Status Report)
  2. Clerk of Court-Court Administrator, Mary Thunder, or Deputy Clerk, Margaret Falcon,
    will check each hour for filings (during this time these two positions will only have access
    to the e-mail).
  3. Filing will be printed and reviewed by the Clerk of Court.
    21 a. If the filing is found to be deficient the filing will be returned with a letter
    denoting the deficiency via e-mail.
    23 b. Original Deficiency Letter along with a copy of the filing will be sent by US
    24 Postal Service.
    25 6. The filing will be forwarded to the appropriate clerk to be FILED stamped and processed
    26 as normal practice.
  4. Another copy of the filing will be printed, ENDORSED stamp, and sent back to the filing
    Admin. 20-07 Order Re: Court operations and process Page 3 of 4
    1 IT IS SO ORDERED this 18th day of March 2020, by the Ho-Chunk Nation Supreme
    and Trial Courts located in Black River Falls, WI within the sovereign lands of the Ho-Chun

Department of Health

To: Community Members and Employees

From: Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Health

Re: Notification Response Plan

Date: March 16, 2020

At this time the Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Health does not have any positive COVID-19 cases to report.  The situation continues to evolve quickly and the Department of Health will continue to monitor and work with our partner agencies to provide updated information to the public as it becomes available.  The Department of Health will continue to follow the latest guidance from the Centers for Disease Control and the Wisconsin Department of Health to determine if any person requires testing.

From the desk of the President

The Ho-Chunk Nation would like to announce that effective today, March 5, 2020 Wendy White Eagle will no longer be serving as the Executive Director of Business. She has served in this leadership position since July 2019 leading our Enterprises forward in a positive manner.  

“Ms. White Eagle has performed admirably in her duties and has been a great asset to the Ho-Chunk Nation.  We wish her the best in her future endeavors” President Marlon White Eagle. 

The Office of the President will be naming a successor in the near future.

Ho-Chunk Nation Health Department

Monitoring the Novel Coronavirus

Over the past several weeks, the Health Department has closely monitored the Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) situation. This includes several weekly calls with our Local, State, and Federal partners.  The Health Department does have a Public Health Emergency Plan for addressing communicable disease incidents and we have practiced our Point of Dispensing plans with our internal and external partners, and we continue to work with them to address identified issues.  At this time there are no suspected or confirmed cases of COVID-19 in our jurisdiction. If this occurs, we have protocols for notifying our employees and our partners including the Wisconsin Department of Health and the Centers for Disease Control who will assist us in implementing our plans.  Please be aware that this situation continues to evolve on a daily basis so recommendations may change as more information becomes available.

At this time all employees should continue to follow the same recommendations that we do for annual flu season: 

  • Wash hands frequently with soap and water for at least 20 seconds.
  • If soap and water are not available, use alcohol-based hand sanitizers.
  • Avoid touching eyes, mouth and nose with unwashed hands.
  • Avoid close contact with individuals who are sick.
  • Stay home when you are sick. The CDC recommends that individuals remain home for at least 24 hours without taking fever reducing medication AND who are no longer having a fever or signs of a fever (i.e., chills, feeling warm, etc.)
  • Cover your cough or sneeze with a tissue, then immediately discard the tissue in the trash.
  • Clean and disinfect frequently touched objects and surfaces.
  • Get your annual flu shot.
  • Take any medication prescribed to you as instructed

We have also created an email account specific to COVID 19,  Emails will be returned within 24 business hours.  If there are questions or concerns from other departments or divisions within the Ho-Chunk Nation please forward those to . If a patient has questions regarding the most up to date travel information please see for guidance. 
