In re: Building Closure – Continued Operations of the Judiciary
Author: Shane Steindorf
Ho-Chunk Nation Department Of Education
March 23, 2020
Dear Ho-Chunk Scholarship Recipients:
This letter serves as notification of changes that will occur within the Ho-Chunk Nation Education Department in the coming weeks. As you may be aware, the COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on the Ho-Chunk Nation’s economy. President WhiteEagle has issued a number of administrative orders to flatten the curve of the virus in recent days, including closing our casinos and instituting significant layoffs in our workforce. The Higher Education Division will respond with the following measures:
First, any student who wishes to be considered for the spring 2020 term must have their application complete by Wednesday, March 25, 2020. Failure to meet this deadline will mean that you will not receive a spring 2020 scholarship. This includes support programs, as well.
Second, the Education Department will be reduced to critical staff only effective Monday, March 30, 2020. As such, the Higher Education Division will temporarily lay-off the College Advisors (Carla, Geno, Salena, and Erin). Please be sure to email the shared email account at, and the two remaining staff persons will respond to your email as quickly as possible.
Third, the Ho-Chunk Scholarship Program will be limited to need-based students only effective March 26, 2020, until further notice. The Ho-Chunk Nation receives limited scholarship resources from the Bureau of Indian Affairs (BIA), and those resources will become the source of our scholarships in the near future. Unfortunately, the BIA scholarships can only be awarded to students who are deemed need-based. We hope to return to providing scholarships to all students (both need- and non-need) once our revenue generators have reopened and the pandemic has abated.
Fourth, all summer programming is hereby cancelled, including the summer internship and any college visits.
Finally, all students are eligible for advising during these uncertain times. We know that this is a stressful time, and though our scholarship capacity will be limited, we are still committed to helping our Ho-Chunk students earn their college degrees and find new funding sources. Our people have been through and overcome many hardships in our history, and I am confident that will prevail again.
Please contact or (800) 362-4476 for any further information.
Nehomah Thundercloud
Executive Director of Education
Ho-Chunk Nation Office of General Council Announcement
For your District’s Volunteer Representative and Volunteer Alternate to be placed on the General Council 2020 (GC2020) District Planners.
Thus far, the following members have been selected for each District:
District One |
Primary Representative Kelly Jo Funmaker |
Primary Representative Melissa Olvera |
Wausau Selection(s) still needed |
District Two |
Primary Representative Andrea (Pepper) Estebo |
Alternate Representative George Greendeer |
Primary Representative Clariss Funmaker |
Alternate Representative Cindy (Lucinda) Lonetree |
La Crosse Selection(s) still needed |
District Three |
Primary Representative Myrna Littlewolf |
Primary Representative Madison Wilbur |
Primary Representative Hazel Geurrero |
Primary Representative Bonnie Smith |
Primary Representative Melody WhiteEagle-Fintak |
Madison Selection(s) still needed |
After each District has selected and voted in their respective Volunteer Representative and Alternate. Please forward the names, denoting Volunteer Representative or Alternate; and contact information for each selected tribal member to by Tuesday March 31, 2020.
District Four |
Primary Representative Ben Krause |
Alternate Representative Anthony Veesenmuyer |
Please note: This is a Voluntary status. Each Volunteer Representative may or may not be compensated, as it is dependent upon the budget, and each Volunteers’ completed tasks and participation.
The duties of the Representatives/Alternates are listed below:
- Any GC Planning Volunteer who misses 3 scheduled GC Planning meetings without good cause can or may be removed by a majority vote.
- Upon a resignation or removal of a Volunteer, a new Volunteer shall be selected from their respective District Alternates.
- Shall assist the Office of General Council staff with preparation, implementation, during and after the Annual General Council meeting.
- Ensure food and beverage is available to tribal members for the duration of the General Council meeting.
- Ensure meeting area stays respectably clean.
- Attend your respective area meetings, in order to report for tribal member’s requests for information regarding the General Council meeting.
- Acknowledge tribal members recommendations throughout the year.
- To make recommendations of the General Council, if the Planning Group deems necessary.
If you have questions, concerns or recommendations, please call or e-mail the Office of General Council staff at
Thank you for your time and attention; and the Office of General Council staff looks forward to continuing the preparation for the 2020 Annual General Council meeting with the GC2020 Planning Volunteer Representatives.
From the Desk of the Executive Director of Business Wendy K. White Eagle
Happy New Year to you, your families, and all Area Tribal Members! There is so much for us to be excited about as we enter this New Year and decade I was happy to get some information out today as follow up to the various conversations we have had recently regarding our Tribal Business operations. I’d like to cover a couple of topics that have come up over the Holiday Season:
Christmas Eve Buffet – Crab Event in the Dells
So much was learned at our Dells property over the Christmas Holiday! We brought back the crab event in the buffet for the Holiday. Patrons went through 1700 pounds of crab in four hours! We ran out of crab, and as this was the first time through with our ordering process, we now know that patrons actually eat 3-4 pounds of crab per person instead of the amount we had thought folks would consume based on what we had seen with this type of event in the past. The entire Team at the Dells pitched in to make sure that all Patrons coming for this event on Christmas Day were greeted and told that we would be substituting Prime Rib for the crab and we also offered this to them at a reduced price. Frankly this offer went over very well too! Net Revenues for our Hospitality area (Food& Beverage) Christmas Eve were up over 1100% – this makes sense because in the previous year we were not open on that day. Fun thing – net revenues for Hospitality on Christmas Day were up 46%, with New Year’s Eve following suit at a 27% increase. Please help us spread the word – on January 22nd we have ordered 2 tons of crab for the next event at the Dells. We also plan to spread this event into both the Black River Falls and Wittenberg venues over the next two months. This will mean that we will have this event at all properties that are managed by our Spectra business Team Members! I have seen pictures of the uneaten food that was left on the tables on our maiden voyage. As such, new processes will be put in place to manage the amount of food people are given at any one time. Still very much all you can eat and now mindful to stop the waste of food. I know all are interested in providing the best we can at a price that balances the cost of providing that service. I will keep you apprised as to how these events proceed at our other Enterprise Hospitality (Food and Beverage) properties. We are watching closely the operational costs associated with these kinds of events so truly appreciate your help getting the word out.
Eagle Summit Closing
On January 6th, 2020 the Eagle Summit in the Dells was closed. Analysis on the revenue side, indicated that the trend for this venue was not rebounding from a downward slope. Many different kinds of marketing, as well as augmented customer enhancements, did not do the trick as the Team at the Dells was not able to get folks to come up to the second floor. For those of you who know the Dells property you also know that taking an escalator up to this location really has not done the job in helping our customers make this a destination when they visit. One nice aspect to all the attention paid to working to make this location profitable was that we were able to study who was playing in that location. We learned that the play that was occurring in that area, for those over 21, actually migrated to our full casino facility. We also learned that 18-21 year old players were willing to play in our bingo area. That grouping of customers totaled just 3.62% of all customers who had played in that Eagle Summit space. So what’s next with this space? A full study of all of the customer space, starting in the parking lots, will be undertaken so that our Tribe enhances the total customer experience throughout the facility. Also, as the escalators are going to be serviced and upgraded, you will see that this 4-month project will also be one we all have to manage through as we help our customers navigate our property. Given the age of our escalators it is critical that we get this done in our slower period of yearly operation. From time to time I will share articles and / or books that I am reading that have had an impact on me. I have attached one here.
As our Tribe continues to change and grow forward I believe it is important to provide diverse perspectives in thought. Simply put more and more demands will be placed on all of us as our customers, employees, and circles on influence become more diverse. It is not what happens to us but rather how we respond that makes all the difference in our personal growth.
Our Tribe will become the Employer of Choice in the Markets in which we operate. These kinds of readings will help all of us broaden our hearts. In the end that is what will make each of us better. I welcome your thoughts after you have had time to review. Feel free to share with your Area Tribal Members if you believe it will help them learn more about some of the current discussion items in play in our Department of Business
Know I appreciate all the prayers and good thoughts for the success of our Department of Business (DOB.) When our DOB succeeds all our Tribal Members, here today and those yet in the future, also succeed!
God bless and all the very best for a wonderful 2020 and new decade!
Driveway Snow Plowing is Available to Ho-Chunk Elders
By Ken Luchterhand
Now that winter has arrived and the snow has been falling, Ho-Chunk Elders can take advantage to a service available to them.
Snow removal assistance is available to assist Ho-Chunk enrolled Elders age 60 and over, but there are some conditions that must be met, according to Ho-Chunk Tribal Aging Services Division Director Greg Blackcoon.
All Elders must include a copy of their deed or other forms of proof of homeownership with the application, must reside at the address provided in the application, and the service will not be provided if someone in the household can perform the shoveling.
This year the snow plowing policy was amended to include additional forms of proof of homeownership including deeds.
Snow removal will generally begin in the early morning hours when there is at least three or more inches of snow after it has stopped snowing. Attempts to plow out driveways of Elders with extreme medical needs will be made in a timely manner.
The Tribal aging Unit and Department of Housing plow drivers will not begin snow removal until the county or township have begun their plowing.
In some cases, plowing can be delayed or denied based on extreme weather or dangerous road conditions.
Elders will be responsible for moving any vehicles or other items in the plow pathway before the plow truck arrives. All pets must in kept indoors or tied out of the area to be plowed.
Well casings, septic vents, utility boxes, and water pipes must be properly marked so that the plow driver is aware of the structures and damage does not occur.
People should be patient when waiting for a snow plow and driver to arrive, since there is a large area to cover and limited amount of people to perform the plowing.
If the driveway is plowed by someone else before the TAU plow truck arrives, the TAU appreciates a call so that an unnecessary trip is avoided.
Applications for snow plowing services can be obtained by contacting any Tribal Aging Unit. A new application must be filled out each year and applications are usually available through a local TAU site each October.
A copy of the snow plowing policy is available at each Tribal Aging Unit and here.
From the Desk of the President
Calverley Named as Executive Compliance Officer
Tracy Calverley, formerly the Contract Division Administrator for the Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Justice, recently was named as Executive Compliance Officer by Ho-Chunk Nation President Marlon WhiteEagle.
Her new role was effective on Monday, January 6, 2020.
Calverley was born and raised in Black River Falls. She graduated in 2013 from Western Technical College with high honors with an associate degree in Criminal Justice.
She worked a short amount of time for the Black River Falls Police Department, and then switched career paths to better support her family. Calverley then sought employment with the Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Justice and was hired as a legal
assistant reviewing contracts.
She was promoted to the Contract Division Administrator position where she worked for the last five years. In that capacity, Calverley worked on instilling the best practices and standardization into the Contract Division.
She is working toward her Bachelor’s degree in Business Administration from University of Wisconsin- Green Bay. She also has been working towards receiving her Certified Public Procurement Officer (CPPO) from the National Institute for Government Procurement {N IGP).
Outside of work, Calverley is a mother of four children. She has two boys: Logan (14) and Jordan (10), and two girls: Kadyn (11) and Amarie (5).
“I spend what little spare time I have with friends and family enjoying the outdoors or catching up on my latest Netflix binge. I recently have taken up ice fishing and am working on becoming an expert angler,” she said jokingly.
For now, she is taking on a large role in keeping the Ho-Chunk Nation in compliance with the rules and regulations.
Seeking Ho-Chunk Nation Administration Board of Director Applications
The Department of Administration is currently seeking individuals interested in filling the vacancies on the Department of Administration Board of Directors. The Board of Directors will serve in an advisory capacity to the Executive Director, be involved in the Department’s strategic planning and consulted during the development of the Department’s annual goals and objectives.
Qualifications: Board of Directors shall have the requisite skills, knowledge, and education to provide professional and expert advice and recommendation to the Executive Director, per 1 HCC § 2.
Interested Parties can review the 1HCC2 Administration Establishment Act for more information related to Board of Director Meetings, Terms and Director roles and responsibilities.
Please mail or email a one-page Letter of Interest and a copy of your resume to:
Darcy Funmaker
Executive Administrative Assistant
Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Administration
PO Box. 677
Black River Falls, WI 54615
All applications will be reviewed and all applicants will be notified upon selection of Board members. Selected candidates will be subject to Presidential review.
Attention Basket Makers
The Ho-Chunk Nation Forestry Division has a unique opportunity to obtain a few black ash logs from a parcel of State of Wisconsin (DNR) land. We would like to hear from basket makers who are interested in obtaining black ash logs specifically for basket making purposes. Contacting us does not guarantee that you will receive a log, but it is important to know how many logs are needed so we can make a formal request. The Ho-Chunk Nation Forestry Division would also like to hear ideas on how to store surplus ash logs.
For More information please contact Rural Lands Forester, Brandon Bleuer
Seeking Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Natural Resources Board of Director Applications
The Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Natural Resources is seeking candidates to fill Board of Directors vacancies. Per the HCC § 20 the Board of Directors will serve in an advisory capacity only, not as a policy making body. The Board will also be involved in and consulting on strategic planning, development of annual goals and objectives pursuant to the Appropriations and Budget Act.
Interested Parties can review the 1HCC20 Department of Natural Resources Establishment Act for more information related to Board of Director Meetings, Terms and Director roles and responsibilities.
Please mail or email a one-page Letter of Interest and a copy of your resume to:
Tina Brown
Executive Director
Ho-Chunk Nation Department of Natural Resources
PO Box. 677
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Office 715-284-2852 | Cell 715-299-4672
All applications will be reviewed and all applicants will be notified upon selection of Board members. Selected candidates will be subject to Presidential review.