Department of Justice

Government    Executive Branch    Justice

The Department of Justice is responsible for providing legal services to the Nation and coordinating the activities of the other Divisions within the Department. The Department of Justice consists of four (4) divisions: Legal Services, Contracts, Law Enforcement, and Election Board.


The mission is set forth by the Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature in the Department of Justice Establishment and Organization Act of 2001:

The Department of Justice (“Department”), as part of the Executive Branch, is committed to defending the sovereignty of the Ho-Chunk Nation (“Nation”) and representing the Nation on those matters that concern the Nation’s interests and welfare. The Department will serve the Nation in Tribal, State and Federal forums.

Department of Justice Legal Representation

The Department of Justice serves as legal counsel to the Ho-Chunk Nation. The collective rights of tribal members are served by this Department through defending the sovereignty of the Nation, protecting the laws of the Nation, prosecuting violations to these laws, providing legal aid to all branches of the Nation, and defending the Nation in Tribal, State and Federal courts on those matters that concern the Nation’s interests and welfare.

The Attorney General and all Department of Justice staff are unable to provide individual legal advice to private tribal members. If a private Ho-Chunk Nation tribal member is in need of legal assistance, you may contact Judicare at (800) 472-1638 or the Wisconsin State Bar Legal Aid Program at (800) 543-2625 or a private attorney.


The Department of Justice consists of the Department of Justice consists of the Attorney General, seven (7) in-house Attorneys, one (1) Paralegal, two (2) Contract Staff, one (1) Executive Admin, and one (1) Investigator.


Attorney General:
William Gardner

Senior Tribal Counsel:
Scott Seifert II
Erik Shircel

Tribal Counsel: 
Angelia Naquayouma
Nicholas Layland

Tribal Attorneys:  
Elysia Rodriguez
David Mrgudich

Sue Thompson

Contract Staff:
Patricia Hagen
Jonathan Codotte

Executive Administrator:   
Marissa Dickey

DOJ Investigator
Andrew Learn



Ho-Chunk Nation
Department of Justice
P.O. Box 667
W9814 Airport Road
Black River Falls, WI 54615

Phone: 715-284-3170
Fax:      715-284-7851


Contract Division

The Contract Division maintains the contract database and reviews all potential contracts to protect the Nation and its assets when entering into new legal agreements.

Contract Administrator: Patricia Hagen

Document Analyst: Jonathan Cadotte

Contact Information

Ho-Chunk Nation
Department of Justice
P.O. Box 667
W9814 Airport Road
Black River Falls, WI 54615

Phone: 715-284-3170
Fax:      715-284-7851

Election Board

The Ho-Chunk Nation is mandated by the Constitution of the Ho-Chunk Nation to hold General, Special and Constitutional Elections.  The Election Board is comprised of twelve (12) Delegates and twelve (12) Alternates and each representing their respective District.  The Election Board meets on an as need basis such as:  when the Constitution requires them to conduct an election, they are named as defendants or plaintiffs in a lawsuit, discuss revisions to the applicable laws governing elections, certify elections and to discuss personnel matters that affect the Election Board and its office staff.  The Election Board is vital to the Ho-Chunk Nation’s membership.

Due to the pandemic continuing, the Election Board and the Office Administrator continues to manage the office with limited access to the public and by appointment only.  The Election Board remains open to conducting services through telephone and email communications.

Election Board Chairperson:             Myrna Littlewolf
Election Board Administrator:           Melissa Olvera

Contact Information

Ho-Chunk Nation Election Board
W8801 Mission Road
Black River Falls, WI 54615

Phone: 715-284-8900
Fax:      715-284-8600
Cell:     715-299-6104

Click the link above for Ho-Chunk Nation tribal election news and absentee ballot request.

Ho-Chunk Nation Police Department

The Ho-Chunk Nation Police Department’s mission is to protect the assets and people of the Ho-Chunk Nation and its surrounding communities.  This mission is accomplished through diligent observation of activities within the communities of the Ho-Chunk Nation, at the Ho-Chunk Nation gaming facilities and property/lands within the jurisdiction of the Ho-Chunk Nation.

Police Chief:                            Zachary Quackenbush
Police Administrator:              CaraLee Murphy

Contact Information

Ho-Chunk Nation
Police Department
W9598 Hwy. 54
Black River Falls, WI 54615

Phone:             715-284-2658
Fax:                  715-284-3056

If there is an EMERGENCY, please call 911


  1. Ho-Chunk Nation Executive Branch
  1. Ho-Chunk Nation Judiciary Branch
  1. Ho-Chunk Nation Laws
  1. Ho-Chunk Nation Legislative Branch
  1. Ho-Chunk Nation
    - Request Form
  1. Wisconsin Judicare Inc.
  1. Wisconsin Power of Attorney Website
  1. Wisconsin Bar Association Lawyer Referral Program
  1. Wisconsin Court System