Mission Statement
The Ho-Chunk Nation Healing to Wellness Court (HTWC) exists to address a pervasive ill affecting our community, alcohol and drug addiction and its associated consequences. The HTWC will act in partnership with tribal and communal agencies and service providers to achieve the following goals:
- Develop a treatment plan following an overall assessment.
- Create support systems and programs to foster employment, education, and communal, familial, and individual health and well-being.
- Maintain relationships and resources to continually assist program participation.
- The HTWC shall adhere to Ho-Chunk ideals while focusing upon restorative justice and collaborative decision-making.
- Restore traditional values and language.
Jackson County Rental Directory
Ho-Chunk Nation Food Distribution Program
Additional Resources and Assistance Programs
Workforce Connections Resource Guide
Vocational Rehabilitation for Native Americans (VRNA)
McKinney-Vento Families in Transition
Wisconsin's Poverty Fighting Network
Photo Credit - Hocak Worak
Ho-Chunk Nation Legislature and President Honors Robert Mann with Legislative Recognition
By Ardith Van Riper - Hocak Worak Newsletter Editor
Ho-Chunk Healing to Wellness Court Coordinator, Robert Mann, Receives National Award
By Lori Jayne Carlson – freelance journalist
HTWC Contact Information
Project Coordinator:
Robert J. Mann
(715) 284-2722 ext. 13402
Cell: (715) 896-9785
Case Manager:
Michelle Oravez
(715) 284-2722 ext. 13411
Cell: (715) 896-7301
W9598 Highway 54 East
P.O. Box 70
Black River Falls, WI 54615
Monday - Friday
8:00am - 4:30pm
Who is Eligible for HTWC?
o Ho-Chunk Nation tribal member, spouse or child of Ho-Chunk tribal member.
o 18 years or older.
o Resident of Jackson County.
o Post adjudication.
o Participants must agree to abide by the Ho-Chunk Nation Healing to Wellness Court Program rules.
o Must meet diagnostic criteria for substance abuse or dependency according to the most current Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM).
o Severity of prior criminal offense factors (including victim’s interests).
o Convictions considered on a case by case basis.
Who can refer a person to the court?
o Defense attorney
o Probation agent (department of corrections)
o Family member
o Self-referral
HTW - Sober Activities and Supportive Services
- 8th Fire Project: Sobriety Fire - https://www.facebook.com/groups/3187514104634950/
- Prosperity In Recovery - https://www.facebook.com/ProsperityinRecovery/
- Bright Spot - https://sober.com/aa-meeting/bright-spot/
Healing to Wellness Court Team Members
The Healing to Wellness Court Program is supported by professionals from multiple disciplines. The individuals collaborate in a team setting to guide eligible participants through recovery.